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When you're faced with an uncomfortable or challenging circumstance, it can quickly spiral into feelings of anxiety or stress. Anxiety is a direct reaction from your brain in response to a thought (or accumulative thoughts).

The mind is gathering information about a possible threat, and our body responds by activating the nervous system. It is this boost in activity throughout the body that tells us that we are in danger and we should be on guard.

This response is based on our fight or flight system and is something that we have all experienced at some point. When it comes down to it, I think we are all walking around with at least some form of uncertainty as we move through life.

Anxiety is based on the fears and worries we carry about certain situations that we encounter. For some, it might be money or security, while for others it could be social encounters that trigger these anxious responses in the mind and body.

Although there is nothing necessarily risky about most of these situations (no one has ever died from giving a speech) our brain registers these events as intensely threatening based on the value we apply to them.

Anxiety comes in many different ways and it usually doesn't feel good. It is something that we try to avoid at all costs by steering clear of uncomfortable situations. This is when anxiety transitions from a natural response into a confining barrier in our life.

If you often grapple with anxious feelings, finding ways to get rid of anxiety can be a crucial and liberating aspect of your lifestyle. By learning how to cultivate positive rituals to help you perceive life through a new lens, you will be able to release yourself from an endless road of negative energy.

Here are 3 powerful rituals that can help you get rid of anxiety and experience a more productive way of living.

Establish A Daily Worry Session

Plan a specific part of the day where you will visit your worries and allow your thoughts to surface. This time is dedicated to reflecting on your current worries and negative thoughts while giving them the attention they deserve.

The rest of the day is strictly worrying free. When a worry or anxious thought pops up throughout the day, write it down. If it is something that does not need your instant attention, get in the habit of being able to postpone it until the designated worry time.

To develop this habit, it should be the same time each day – but not too close to bedtime to avoid mental chatter before sleep. Late afternoon is a great time. (5:00pm – 5:20pm – for example)

As this develops into a daily ritual, you are creating an open space where you can explore and process your worries and negative thoughts. These thoughts, which are usually responsible for triggering anxiety, are now being dealt with in an intentional and healthy way.

Armed with the knowledge that you now have a time and a place to worry, you will be able to move through the day with more energy and confidence, knowing that you have the power to postpone your worry.

Consciously Ask Yourself If You Are Solving The Problem

It has been shown through behavioral research that while we are in the actual process of worrying, anxiety levels dramatically drop. Giving awareness to these thoughts can be a positive way to take control, but there is a big difference between worrying and productively solving a problem.

Problem solving involves assessing the situation in order to come up with options in dealing with it. Good problem solving is an essential skill that becomes stronger with practice.

Start by identifying the problem. Ask yourself these questions in order to develop a better understanding of the situation or thought process.

What is happening?

How do I feel about it?

What is causing me to feel this way?

Is the problem something that can be faced right now?

Is the concern realistic?

Begin brainstorming for solutions that will help you deal with this in a positive way. Productive worries are ones that provide an opportunity to take action right away. Come up with a list of possible solutions, starting with these questions.

Is there anything that is within my control?

Does this problem deserve my attention and is the concern realistic?

Have I ever faced this problem before and what have I learned from past experience?

Is it possible to ask someone for help?

What is the smallest step I can take towards resolving this issue?

Once you have run through this process, you will have a much better sense of what type of situation or negative thought you are dealing with. With a clear picture and possible solutions, you are claiming control as opposed to being the victim. This is the starting point to positive and productive outcome.

If the problem or worry is out of your control, learn how to embrace the uncomfortable feelings instead of labeling them as good or bad – this will only fuel the anxiety.

Becoming mindful and aware provides you with a clear point of view where you may not be in control of the situation, but you are in control of your state of mind and how you react.

Practice Mindfulness

Worries that trigger anxiety can be focused on the future and what might happen. Mindful meditation, or the practice of mindfulness, is a meditation technique used to manage distracting thoughts and feelings by concentrating on focused awareness. The goal is to release negative energy by bringing your focus back to the present moment.

Mindfulness is not only reserved for meditation; this can be practiced anytime, anywhere. This is an extremely powerful tool that can be incorporated into everyday life, and can develop into a vitalizing way to approach life.

Start by bringing your attention to the details of the present moment. Notice your surroundings. Feel your body. Focus your attention on how you feel and become aware of your breath.

Observe your thoughts and allow them to pass through without following them – just let them drift by.

Release your worries without trying to control them. You have the choice to allow your worries to drift by like a cloud, it is only when you give them your focus that they are able to suck you in.

If you find yourself getting stuck in a thought, bring your attention back to the moment by becoming mindful of your breath and the sensations of the body.

These tips and techniques can be extremely useful in helping you deal with anxiety and worry. But in order to gain a true benefit, they must be put into practice.

Being aware of your emotions without being controlled by them is a mindset that must be cultivated in order to be strengthened. Like anything great in life, it takes a little work and focus, but the reward is amazing – the reward of joy and true freedom to experience life at it’s best!

Any Thoughts?



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